Grade One View Music Profile

Grade One View Music

Release of the week
Feel This LoveJ-Rob MD
"Sometimes it's easy to classify my music, sometimes it's not." And that's just the way J-Rob MD likes it. "I've always been more concerned about making great music than anything else." Drawing inspiration from all corners of the electronic music universe, J-Rob MD's slick blend of genre-bending dance music is sure to keep you guessing. "If you really spend the time to find it, there's so much great dance music out there… So when I sit down in the studio, I just like to go where the vibe takes me." And that vibe has led to a fast rise through the scene, finding J-Rob MD's music supported by radio stations and DJ's across the globe. J-Rob MD's passionate dedication to the craft of writing great dance music is sure to keep his songs on dance floors around the world.
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