Xzavia Profile


Release of the week
Suicide Music Part lIXzavia, Rage Wun, Vaigs, Tempman
Street Ryda Xzavia SUICIDE MUSIC PART II VILLIAN SAYS (FUCK EM ALL) (MTV Channel aka Illuminati Diss) Video filmed in London by FOTB Productions www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZxII-SQEV0&hd=1 Street Ryda Xzavia releases another Street Rydaz mixtape, after the success of Skull King, its about urban street riding from the London, UK scene... features biker clubs & groups by the names of AWOL Street Rydaz, CD Rydaz & well known rydaz from the scene... also features underground car street racing, girls and more. www.youtube.com/user/1nanaaa www.myspace.com/xzaviastr8ryder www.badnessrecords.com/Xzavia_stryda.html www.badnessrecords.com Downloads www.wix.com/mgpublishing/xzaviastrydax#!contact www.reverbnation.com/store/artist_325648 OR sample on WHOLE TRACK soundcloud.com/street-rydaz-xzavia ALSO CHECK OUT RYDAZ DVD OUT NOW www.ukrecordshop.com/item/xzavia-street-rydaz-2.html
10 Tracks

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