Jill Freisinger Profile

Jill Freisinger

Release of the week
Squall (feat. Jill Freisinger)Ollie Twist, Jill Freisinger
"Squall" is a politically charged track from the new Ollie Twist album MDLXV (1565). Fully packed and layered with crunchy guitars, stabbing synths and dark pianos, the pulse of the production is haunting and rigid. Lyrically, Twist rattles the beat calling out the climate of mistrust in governmental institutions, ever-expanding technological advances and the influence of media propaganda. Jill Freisinger warns us of an approaching storm of apathy in the powerfully delivered chorus. The track serves as an observation of modern society and the dark path civilization is trending towards. Hip-hop with substance is back! Combining scorching guitars with head bobbing beats and thoughtful concepts, MDLXV constantly pushes forward, keeping the listener intrigued from beginning to end.
1 Track

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