Her Skin Profile

Her Skin

Release of the week
Hopeless (feat. Her Skin)MaTTsh, Her Skin
MaTTsh published for various labels such as UNIVERSAL and SONY and curated productions for national artists such as Salmo, Madman, Gemitaiz and Madh. Today he's publishing 'Hopeless' for his solo project featuring Her Skin, a songwriter of the indie Italian scene. The song is a continuous contrast of the calm and relaxing voice of the singer with the distorted bass of the drop. It develops an ascending climax describing musically a path in the interior of serenity, underlined by the crystalline voice, at the encounter with the confusion, symbolized by the aggressive drop of the refrain. This journey ends with a possible ambiguous interpretation of the acceptance of a quiet rediscovery and final perdition. "my roof is falling down taking everything to the ground"
1 Track

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