Born Stranger Profile

Born Stranger

Release of the week
Like I Mean It
UK electronic pop artists Born Stranger and ADAL have teamed up to deliver their collaborative new single, "Like I Mean It". Both routinely labeled by tastemakers as "future pop," the two artists have a knack for mixing the best bits of 80's and 90's pop with 21st century production. The result is a unique blend of synth-pop that feels nostalgic and fresh at the same time. On "Like I Mean It" Born Stranger & ADAL put their "hearts on the line," as the single deals with a trouble relationship on the verge of coming to an end. The emotive track is powered by soulful vocals from the two artists, along with a bright synth groove. A perfect blend of the two rising artists' sounds, "Like I Mean It" is a refreshing dose of dance-pop full of emotion.
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