IXI / Le Sofa Profile

IXI / Le Sofa

Release of the week
For Everyone Around Rage (Deluxe) [S01]Gracy Hopkins, Grizzly
Along his debut ep 'Atychiphobia: The Higher High', seven tracks were inviting us to spend seven days alongside Grizzly, Gracy Hopkins' alter ego, and introduced us into his fictitious hometown Grayson Yard. More than forty gigs later throughout Europe, a second ep is announced; 'FEAR- For Everyone Around Rage'. 'FEAR: For Everyone Around Rage' shows a whole season, to which his debut ep serves as introduction. Several episodes, narrated within seven tracks again, and three additional tracks as bonus, just because the character of Grizzly had to take speech himself. Grizzly seems to be a newcomer artist in the music world and already attracts a lot of attention. His first headlining show is very soon sold out. When life shines at its brightest, reality hits him over; he fights with his love Ocean, leaves, gets shot and is left for dead on the pavement. He somehow wakes up at Grayson Yard's hospital, Fort Talisman, but everyone thinks he's dead. What about is much expected show ? His famousness rises ... ... wounded and determined, Grizzly manages to escape with only one thought in mind: step on stage no matter what. To be continued...
11 Tracks

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